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  3. How do I navigate in Anatomus?

How do I navigate in Anatomus?

Anatomus provides you with the full 3D experience so it’s important to understand how to navigate in the 3D space of our Application. 

  • To rotate the model hold the right mouse button and move your mouse. 
  • To zoom-in and zoom-out use the wheel on you mouse. Alternatively hold the alt key, along with the the right button on the mouse and move your mouse up to zoom-in and down to zoom-out
  • To move the model, without rotating it, hold both mouse buttons and move your mouse. Alternative hold the shift key, along with the the right button on the mouse and move your mouse to move the model. 
  • To select an object hove over it (it will be highlighted) and right-click it. You will notice a small menu appearing with 3 options: Info, Hide, Isolate. To activate any of those options just click it. 
Updated on October 9, 2019

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